Have you considered to make the lower case letters a flame fill for the capitals?Again, the naming.Apocalypse fax: Reminds me of Crouwel's Stedelijk after a termite attack.Pee Pants (that started all this): Nice try. Further useless.Oakland Hills 1991: Not my sort of type but there are surely enough out there who will like it. Worthwhile.Again, the naming.Take out the garbage: Yes! Please!!The square thing: Nice as an experiment. Add the accents and put the alternates in a more logical place or make an alternates.

Just clean it up and you have a potential commercial one. I can easily see it being used in a logotype. Yet, if this is how you write then this is how you write.SantaCarla: This one I really like. No comment, As you say, tons of those around. On your site it looks better than this pict but still that w.Quickrite: Also not available for download. But also here there seems to be something wrong with the bearings. Not much to add to what you say yourself. Probably because there is already another one named Captain there. Maybe rethink the zero and did you notice the irregularity in the $?Again, the naming.Captain: Not on Dafont. Question: Why is the lowercase/alternate s not rounded, left bottom?Nice idea for the ampersand.You should correct the naming data.Koobz: Nicely made. But I'm sure that when you redraw it with geometric shapes it will find it's use. As is, it is a bit too sketchy to my liking. Before all, you must do something with the bearings and the WinAscent settings. 1 matches OK Kirk, here you go:Bowell&beralta: Has potential.